A non-profit providing ordinary comforts for kids in Collin County foster care or
involved with CPS.
...on any given day, some 300 children in Collin County are currently involved in the foster care system
Most people view Collin County as immune from the familial strife common in other communities; however, on any given day, some 300 children in Collin County are currently involved in the foster care system, whether living in a foster home or involved with Child Protective Services (CPS).
Foster Friends is a non-profit organization in Collin County, Texas that works with other non-profits such as Empower, who provides foster and kinship care and helps children find permanent homes through adoptions. The State of Texas and its resources can only provide so much funding for these children. These foster homes are not orphanages or businesses. Rather, they’re the homes of hard-working, loving families who open their doors and hearts to children in need.
While the state provides nominal support to cover essential items like food and some healthcare for children in foster care, this does not allow foster kids to live comparable lives to their peers.
We all remember the joys of our youth. They include fond memories of playing baseball with our friends, going to summer camp, playing an instrument in the band, or taking swimming lessons. These activities come with a cost. Our mission is to help supplement those costs so that foster children and/or children involved with CPS, experience the typical joys that other kids in Collin County take for granted.
Our 12 member, all volunteer Board of Directors, reviews applications submitted by outside agencies and/or referrals on behalf of caregivers who need a helping hand to provide a little something extra for their children. Foster Friends works diligently to ensure your donations do the most good and go to families who really need the help. We take this responsibility very seriously and believe it is our duty to be good stewards of all funds donated and entrusted to us from different sources.
Imagine a child being taken away from their family, sometimes late at night with only the clothes on their back and placed in a stranger’s home. This is a traumatic experience for a child.
Consider how something as simple as ballet shoes or a yearbook can put a smile on their face and help them focus on being a child again. They say money can’t buy happiness. We beg to differ. Your donations help bring smiles and normalcy to these children, who often find themselves abused and/or neglected, through no fault of their own.
Foster Friends
5465 Legacy Drive
Suite 650
Plano, TX 75024